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PG Diploma in Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics

Total Fee

Rs. 90,000


1 Year

About the Course

The program is designed in such a way that the student is exposed to the actual industry environment, where the students are ready to work on completion. Genomics and Bioinformatics being interdisciplinary domains is a blend of biological sciences and engineering technology that incorporates an array of subjects.

Unlike mainstream classroom learning, this course will offer skill-enhancing teaching that surely have a future scope. We wish to bridge the gap between education and industries.

Students also learn to apply their theoretical knowledge to their workplace. Our forte is bioinformatics and functional genomics which has immense career prospects in healthcare industries, labs and academic institutes.

There are high chances of students getting absorbed in the industry where they do apprenticeships. Given the considerable number of hours of OJT, student gets hands on training with sample collection, processing, high end sequencers, mass spectrometry and high-end servers for data analysis.

Course Eligibility

UG Sciences / Engineering / Technology

Career Path

PGD FGB is a vocational post graduate diploma program which covers the area of high-end technology and bioinformatics.

Contact Name

Dr. Pavithra N

Contact Email

For information on how to apply, please visit our Admissions page.

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