Strengthening of NTFP and Eco-tourism value chain activities in Thiruvananthapuram landscape, Kerala
Forest-PLUS 2.0 program identified two forest-based value chains: NTFPs and ecotourism services for assessment and strengthening and promotion, to create inclusive economic opportunities through ecosystem services in Thiruvananthapuram landscape. The Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) was subcontracted to implement value chain strengthening and promotion activities for both NTFPs including honey (Cheruthaen) and ecotourism ecosystem services in Thiruvananthapuram landscape in collaboration with local organisations and subject experts. This assignment was successfully implemented between June 2020 and June 2021. After the completion of assigned activities, the reports were submitted to Forest PLUS 2.0 in 7 sets of deliverables.
Following are highlights of this project:
Conducted market survey and value chain assessment of NTFPs for collection quantity, trading pattern, market channels, market linkage & institutions involved in the NTFP sector
Developed a business model for the sustainable management of NTFPs in the Thiruvananthapuram landscape
Training modules and materials developed for (a) sustainable harvesting and post-harvest management practices, (b) NTFP cultivation practices, (c) Community-based Ecotourism activities, (d) Cheruthaen (Stingless bees) beekeeping practices, and (e) nature education camp management
Designed and executed ToTs programs on (a) Cheruthaen beekeeping practices for 3 days ā 20 trainees, (b) NTFP cultivation practices for 3 days ā 53 trainees, (c) Nature education camp management for 3 days ā 30 trainees, and (d) community based ecotourism activities for 10 days in 3 phases ā 30 trainees
Designed and executed one-day community level training programs on (a) Cheruthaen beekeeping practices ā 10 JFMCs ā 500 trainees, and (b) Sustainable harvesting and post-harvest management practices ā 20 JFMCs ā 1000 trainees
Conducted research and outreach on traditional foods and beverages, handicrafts and handloom items from the Thiruvananthapuram landscape
Adopted two JFMCs for installing the 150 Cheruthaen (Stingless) bee boxes with colonies to provide them long term livelihood plan
Conducted community mobilisation among NTFP collectors to provide the market linkage for sustainably harvested products by entering into MoUs with herbal industries and also with Vanasree procurement unit
For cultivated plant materials, agreement was signed between farmers and herbal industries (Kerala Sarvodaya pharma, Thiruvananthapuram, Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, The Oushadhi, Thrissur)
This assignment was managed by Dr. Jagannatha Rao, R from TDU with the support of technical and field team in collaboration with organisations and institutions in Thiruvananthapuram landscape.
For more details about this project, contact Dr. Jagannatha Rao, R., Centre for Conservation of Natural Resources, Email:, Mobile: 9448936300