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Dr. Noorunnisa Begum S

Conservation of Natural Resource

Dr. Noorunnisa Begum S

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Pharmacognosy; Ethnobotany; Trade of Medicinal Plants; Conservation of Medicinal Plants; Floristics of Angiosperms and Database

Dr. Noorunnisa Begum research over the last 20 years has focused onĀ  Establishment Ā of Ā FRLH Herbarium and Raw Drug Repository of Medicinal Plants used in Indian System of Medicine as well as traded in the country. Ā She has initiated virtual herbarium ( so that the herbarium is accessible to the wider world. She has worked on projects spanning Ā diversified areas namely conservation, ethnobotany, study of trade of medicinal plants in India, Pharmacognosy, Climate Change, Re-visiting of MPCAs funded by MoEF, DST, NMPB, State Biodiversity Board, State Medicinal Plant Board, National Biodiversity Board, World Bank, CSR funds from industries etc. The key research area is study of botanicals as resource, their conservation as well as its utilization using modern tools.

She is involved in authentication serviceĀ  of confirming the and validating the identity of herbarium specimens and raw drug samples for various stake holders.

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