Ethno-Veterinary Science and Practice
We ensure production of drug-residue free milk, meat and eggs for the food basket
We document and integrate ethno-veterinary practices (EVP) with current medical knowledge. We also assess for their safety and efficacy, and validate them.
During Operation Flood āI, II and III of India, cross-breeding with foreign exotic strains was introduced, mainly to enhance production of milk. High disease incidence in cross-breed animals and indiscriminate use of antimicrobials in dairy animals led to high antimicrobial residue in the animal products and antimicrobials resistance
There is an emerging trend in favour of herbal alternative due to the issues related to the antimicrobial drug resistance and drug residues in foods (milk/meat/eggs) of animal origin. Ethno-veterinary practices (EVP) and Veterinary Ayurveda are cost effective and environmentally sound practices for sustainable livestock production.
Almost a decade long work on the use of various fresh herbal recipes under field conditions proved to be successful clinically for a variety of ailments. This effort will help in the long run, to be more readily integrated with current medical knowledge in addressing local, regional and global healthcare issues of livestock and also can help produce drug- residue free milk, meat and eggs for the food basket.
Qualified Veterinary Physicians around the world require orientation on the preparation and application of EVP.
Our Current Research Projects.
DABUR Guggulu harvest studies -āSustainable tapping of Guggul (Oleo-gum-resin) from Commiphora wightii (Arnott) Bhandari
Management of antibiotic resistance pathogens in Clinical mastitis by Ethnoveterinary formulations for Gokul Dairy
Training of trainers in validated EVP & Veterinary Ayurveda for Veterinarians at AMUL Dairy, Doodh Sagar Diary, Baroda dairy, Gokul Dairy, Abbott, Govt. of Haryana, and Punjab.
Ethno-veterinary Science and Practices as an alternative to antibiotics in veterinary care (Click to read)
Our Expertise and Resources.
Document Ethno-veterinary practices (EVP)
Assess their safety and efficacy, and validate them.
Integrate Ethno-veterinary Practices (EVP)/ Mrugayurveda practices with current medical knowledge through training of trainers,
Address local, regional and global healthcare issues of livestock for sustainable production.